101 Facts About Concrete Foundations In 2023
Are you curious about concrete foundations, their development and their use? Have you ever wondered what goes into the construction of a solid foundation or how they are used in building projects? What is the history behind this technology and how has it evolved over the years? What are some of the challenges faced when constructing foundations out of concrete, and what kind of environmental considerations come into play? From reinforcing structures to poured walls, there is much to learn about concrete foundations.
We know finding facts and figures about Concrete Foundations can be time-consuming and frustrating, so we put together this list of the top 101 facts, notes, and statistics so you can easily reference them and refer back to them any time in the future. This space is constantly changing, so if you see a fact that is not up-to-date, feel free to let us know. And if you know a stat that we should add, let us know that too!
1. Reinforced Concrete Is Fireproof And Waterproof.
As one of the most widely used building materials today, reinforced concrete is fireproof. Due to its slow rate of thermal conductivity, concrete does not transfer heat very well, which means concrete is an effective shield against fire. Imagine a large building going up in flames. Most of what’s left over is the concrete structure and foundation.
What’s more, concrete is highly water resistant. With certain types of concrete mixes and the use of membranes, one can make concrete virtually waterproof. With this in mind, concrete quickly gets placed at the top of the list for being one of the best building materials around the world.
2. Concrete Is The Best Building Material For Highway Construction.
When it comes to building roads, highways, and thruways, concrete is super effective. It’s a strong, durable, and some would say “flexible” material that can be shaped and formed to fit almost any need. Nearly 30 percent of all highways in the United States are built with concrete. Although the initial cost of concrete is higher than most other materials like asphalt, it lasts longer than asphalt and requires a lot less maintenance over time.
3. In 1909, The First Mile Of Concrete Highway Was Built.
In Detroit, Michigan, the first mile of concrete highway was built. This is considered the first stretch of highway built with concrete in the United States. Woodward Avenue is now part of northwest Detroit. The mile-long road cost under $14,000 and was built by the Wayne County Road Commision. Can you guess who was a part of this commission? Henry Ford, the founder of Ford Motor Company. Up until this stretch of highway was built, roads were made of dirt, brick, cobblestone, or a mix of stone and tar.
4. Concrete In Antiquity.
For thousands of years, concrete has been used for a variety of building applications. From roads to skyscrapers. What’s interesting, Romans utilized a mixture of concrete that allowed for their buildings to still be standing after thousands of years. What’s interesting is that Vitruvius, a Roman civil engineer, wrote about the different types of “pozzolana” as black, white, gray, and red. These were the types of concrete paste used in concrete mixes to bind the materials together. While the Greeks are attributed with discovering this useful mix, the Romans are the ones who utilized it at scale.
5. Cement And Concrete Are Not The Same.
When you take a look at the actual mixture of concrete, you will find that 60-65 percent is aggregates like sand, crushed stone, and gravel, 15-20 percent is water, and about 10-15 percent is cement. The cement and water harden, which binds the other materials, creating what we know today as concrete. The idea that there are “cement” sidewalks is a falsehood that’s been perpetuated for years. In reality, cement is simply a small percentage of the overall mixture that binds materials.
6. Concrete Is Used Indoor.
When you think of concrete as a material, you probably imagine buildings, roads, and dams. Concrete is used primarily in structural applications. While this is all true, concrete can also be used for interior remodeling applications. Those who want a modern, sleek look to their countertops, sinks, fireplaces, and more, they can utilize concrete. What’s more, concrete can be customized with texture, so that you aren’t left with a gritty surface — unless that’s what you desire.
7. Reinforced Concrete Is Used Underwater.
As mentioned above, concrete mixtures can be virtually waterproof. Cement as an aggregate in concrete allows for concrete to do amazing things like not deteriorate underwater. This leads to applications like piers, tunnels, sewer works, and more. How do you utilize concrete underwater to outperform steel and wood? A pozzolanic concrete mix, similar to how the Romans mixed their cement. This mixture is highly water resistant (waterproof).
8. Concrete Wields Impressive Compression Strength.
When compared to other materials, concrete has an impressive compression strength. For example, wood has a PSI strength of about 1,000 on average. Concrete mixtures range between 2,500 and 7,000 in PSI strength. That’s more than two to seven times stronger than your average wood strength. In some cases, concrete compressive strength can get as strong as 20,000 PSI.
9. Concrete Is The Most Popular Material In The World.
It may come as a surprise to discover that concrete is the most widely used material in the world. Its simple material mix is available nearly everywhere. Nearly 20 billion tons are used annually around the globe.
10. The World’s Largest Concrete Structure Is In China.
At 185 meters high and 2,309 meters long, the Three Gorges Dam on China’s Yangtze River is the largest concrete dam. Built over 17 years between 1994 and 2006, the project cost $37 billion to construct. Workers used some 21 million cubic yards of concrete in the structure—a world record.
11. Concrete Helped Win World War II.
Concrete “sound mirrors” were used at the start of World War II to provide an early warning of approaching aircraft. Before radar was developed, the British erected parabolic acoustic mirrors or listening ears to detect aircraft. With a network of sound reflectors constructed along the English coast, the British could detect the sound of approaching German aircraft.
12. Concrete Has Come A Long Way Since 600 B.C.
Although Ancient Romans weren’t the first to mix mud and straw or create mortar, they were the first to utilize concrete in the majority of their construction. They successfully used a mixture of volcanic ash from Mount Vesuvius, lime, and seawater to form the mix and packed it into wooden forms.
Even more impressive is the Roman Pantheon, which was made entirely out of concrete, without the reinforcing support of structural steel. Its impressive 142-foot-high dome still stands today. It is a massive concrete building and has weathered earthquakes and other natural disasters during its 2,000 years.
13. Concrete Usage Is Staggering.
With more than 10 billion tons of concrete being produced annually, concrete is the most consumed material in the world—other than water. With three tons used for every person in the world, twice as much concrete is used in construction as compared to all other building materials.
In the U.S. alone, this number is more than 500 million tons. Worth more than $37 billion, the concrete industry employs more than two million in the United States. With cement as its main ingredient, it is also responsible for 8% of the world’s carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions.
14. Binding Materials Are Important Elements Used In Making Concrete, Like Cement Or Lime.
Water is mixed with cement or lime to form a paste that eventually binds and turns into stone-like structures.
15. Cement Is One Of The Main Ingredients In Concrete, And More Than 2 Billion Tons Of Cement Are Produced Each Year.
16. The Venetian In Las Vegas Held The US Record For The Largest Continuous Concrete Foundation Pour With 21,000 Cubic Yards.
However, in February 2014, the Wilshire Grand Center in Los Angeles beat that record with a continuous pour of 21,200 cubic yards.
17. Thomas Edison Held 49 Patents Related To Concrete.
He experimented with concrete houses and concrete furniture. Could you imagine binge-watching Netflix on a concrete couch?
18. About Six Billion Cubic Meters Of Concrete Are Made Each Year, Which Equals One Cubic Meter For Every Person On Earth.
19. A Natural Deposit Of Cement Rock Was Discovered In 1796 By The English.
They quarried the material and sold it as Roman Cement.
20. At Some Point, Three Gorges Dam Is The Largest Concrete Structure In The World, Standing At 607 Feet High And 7,575 Feet Long.
21. One Key Element Of Concrete Is Hydration.
The speed of the hydration process depends on temperature and humidity. Giving enough time for the concrete to harden is necessary before applying heavy loads. It is recommended to leave the newly built concrete foundation for several days prior to backfill. Remember that the installation of concrete foundations and other structures of the home should not be rushed to ensure quality.
22. The Use Of Self-Leveling Concrete In Foundations Has Been The Most Interesting Recent Development.
The concrete flows like water and occupies the entire volume of the form-work. It does not require any external compaction as such. This saves a lot of time and money. Another interesting development would be the precast footing panels. These panels are cast in the factories, transported to the site and just assembled on the spot. This reduces the workload extensively.
23. The Weight Of An Average House Would Be Around 50 Tons. Of This, The Foundation Is Almost 7 To 8 Tons In Itself.
Thus it forms almost 14 to 15% of the total weight.
24. The Foundation Takes Up Almost 8 To 15% Of The Total Cost, Depending On The Material Used For Construction.
While most of them are constructed using concrete, some designers may prefer using masonry blocks as well.
25. The Walls Of The Foundation And The Footings Are Usually Built Using Reinforced Concrete.
But, just digging a pit, placing the bars and pouring the concrete will not deliver a good foundation. The construction of the foundation requires a thorough, professional and experienced engineer monitoring it. Every small aspect like the level of the water table, the soil used for backfill, the depth of solid strata, etc. must be clearly understood and considered while planning. Only when the planning and execution is right, the foundation perfectly fits the building, like a tailored suit.
26. The Largest Concrete Building In The World Is The Trump International Hotel.
It stands 1387 feet above ground and features huge amounts of concrete in its composition.
27. Although Concrete Is Very Hard And Durable, It Can Be Shaped Very Easily.
28. Portland Cement Is Named After The Limestone Of A Similar Colour.
Developed in 1824 by Joseph Aspdin, Portland Cement is widely used today as the aggregate for most concrete. Aspdin heated limestone and clay to produce a render, which could pass for the sought-after limestone Portland, Dorset. He quickly discovered it could be used for house building and patented the material.
29. Concrete Was Named By The Romans.
The word ‘concrete’ comes from the Latin word ‘Concretus’, which roughly translated means, appropriately, to ‘grow together’.
30. Concrete Is Used For Motorway Bridges And High-Rise Buildings.
Almost all motorway bridges use concrete for decks, because they are both easier to maintain and cheaper than steel. It remains in use in the construction of high-rise buildings; the tallest concrete structure in the world is the Trump International Hotel and Tower, standing at 423 meters.
31. Concrete Continues To Strengthen For Decades.
After around four weeks, concrete has reached around 90% of its final strength. However it continues to strengthen for decades afterwards, due to the conversion of calcium hydroxide into calcium carbonate, due to its absorption of carbon dioxide over time. Some bacteria also help to strengthen concrete!
32. It Took 16 Million Cubic Meters Of Cement To Make The World’s Largest Dam.
The Three Gorges dam in China’s Hubei Province is the largest concrete pour in a single project – but this was no one-off pour. In the 17 years of construction time, almost one million cubic meters of cement per year was needed.
33. The Most Common Type Of Foundation, Slab Foundations Consist Of A 6- To 8-Inch Concrete Pad Underneath A Structure.
The load your foundation needs to bear determines the thickness of the slab. Although less suited to extremely cold climates that get a lot of freezing temperatures and snow and earthquake-prone areas, slab foundations tend to be relatively cheap, easy to build, low maintenance, and energy efficient.
34. Tall Buildings Contain A Lot Of Concrete.
At the time it was built, The Empire State building was the tallest structure in the world, containing 47, 500 cubic meters of concrete. Currently, the Trump International Hotel and Tower holds the title of the tallest concrete structure, at 423m high. To create the building’s below-ground foundations, concreters worked nonstop for nearly 24 hours on the “big pour”, trucking in 3,800 cubic meters of concrete over 600 trips.
35. Wivenhoe Dam Contains 140,000 Cubic Meter Concrete.
By the time Brisbane’s Wivenhoe Dam was completed in 1984, workers had used around 140,000 cubic meters in the spillway section. All up, giving the 7020 km2 dam a full supply capacity of 1,165,238 megalitres and flood mitigation of 1,967,000 megalitres.
36. Queen’s Wharf Brisbane Uses Off-Site Concrete Construction.
Onsite construction for Queen’s Wharf Brisbane started in March 2020, but prior to that, construction began offsite from mid-2019. This included prefabricated concrete deck modules for the Neville Bonner Bridge that were transported along the Brisbane River using a barge. This offsite construction measure helped to minimize the impact on local businesses and road networks. Since the start of the project, workers have already installed more than 59,000 m3 of concrete. Just to create the concrete pad for the Tower 3 footings, 58+ trucks poured 400 cubic meters of concrete over an 8-hour period.
37. Recycled Concrete Has Unique Properties.
While recycled concrete aggregates are often an ideal substitute for quarry aggregates, they’re not exactly the same. In fact, recycled products have been shown to have higher absorption rates. Another big difference is that concrete is lighter than quarry stone. If you’re planning to swap your quarry stone product for recycled concrete aggregates, this will help you save money! Because the same volume of concrete aggregate is roughly 15-30% lighter than quarry stone, you can pay even less for your truckload – and accomplish the same outcome.
38. Concrete Recycling Saves Money And The Environment.
Recycled concrete aggregates are cheaper per tonne than virgin quarry products. But it can also be cheaper to recycle your concrete at a facility like ours, rather than taking it to landfill, due to lower dumping fees. And of course, ensuring your concrete waste is recycled and reused has a positive impact on the environment, too!
39. A Concrete Slab Is One Of The Most Common Types Of House Foundations, Requiring The Least Amount Of Lot Prep To Begin Building.
Like all foundations, the slab starts with concrete footing poured 24 inches below projected finish grade. After the footers are poured, a minimum of two layers of concrete block are laid on top of the footers. After the blocks are laid all internal piping is installed. Then a rock filler is added, followed by four inches of concrete poured on top.
40. Not All Foundations Are Made Of Concrete.
When most people think of foundations, they think of a simple concrete block, and while many foundations are constructed of concrete, that’s not the only material utilized for concrete. Foundations can be constructed from timber, gravel, stone, piers, metal and more. The type of material chosen for a foundation depends on several factors including site soil, building support needs, and budget.
41. The Average Concrete Slab Weighs 145 Pounds Per Cubic Foot.
The weight of concrete varies considerably depending on its air and moisture content, however the average slab weighs around 145 pounds per square foot.
42. Concrete Can Be Used To Create Art.
The Concrete Art movement was founded in 1930 and you can see concrete sculpture exhibitions all around the world. There’s even a museum of concrete art in Ingolstadt Germany.
43. Modern Concrete, (Portland Cement), Was Created By Joseph Aspdin.
Joseph Aspdin is widely credited with reintroducing concrete to the mainstream in the 1800’s. He obtained the patent for Portland Cement in 1824 which takes its name from the Limestone ingredient quarried on the Isle of Portland, Dorset.
44. Concrete Mixture Is Normally Made With 60-75 Percent Aggregate, 15 Percent Water And Cement, And 5 To 8 Percent Air.
45. While Concrete Does Not Have A Melting Point, A Temperature Of A Thousand Degrees Fahrenheit Will Decompose The Concrete.
This means that the heat will evaporate the water and turn the sand and gravel into molten lava.
46. According To The Washington Post, China Has Used More Cement During The Years 2011-2013 Than The United States Concrete Use In The Entire 20th Century.
47. The Statue Of Christ The Redeemer In Brazil Was Constructed Using Concrete And Soapstone.
The entire project took nine years and 635 tons of concrete to finish this amazing marvel.
48. The Pantheon In Rome Was Built Using Concrete.
Today, it is still considered as the world’s world’s largest unreinforced concrete dome.
49. The Nabataea Traders In Western Asia Were Responsible For Creating Some Of The First Concrete Housing Structures And Floors.
50. Concrete Admixtures Can Impact Drying Time.
The thing is that some concrete admixtures are meant to speed the drying time up. When we talk about ready mix concrete there are additives that prevent it from drying too soon but this mix needs to be transported and poured into the project in approximately 45 minutes from its mixing in the mixing plant. Then the setting starts and moisture begins to evaporate. Most of the suppliers add superplasticizers (lignosulfonate or polymer compounds) which are designed to reduce the content of moisture in the slabs and therefore may reduce the drying time.
51. Concrete Needs Water To Gain Strength.
Despite the information mentioned at the beginning of this article, concrete needs water to dry. Yes it sounds like a paradox but it does. You can’t force the concrete to dry too soon. This process needs its time. Concrete is curing while the water is vaporizing from it, slowly. This may take decades sometimes. There need to be favorable temperatures and sufficient moisture involved in the process of curing. Therefore it is not right to do the concreting when the weather isn´t right. It can´t be neither freezing nor scorching outside and it can´t be pouring, in fact, as well.
52. Concrete Can Float.
It may come as a surprise to you that concrete can float, don’t worry, we understand. Afterall, steel is 3 times denser than concrete but that’s a common ship building material. It’s probably because we are so used to seeing concrete as a strong building material on land, we think it has a higher density.
53. Unlike Seashell, Stone, And Asphalt, A Concrete Driveway Can Last For 25 To 50 Years.
Toughness, longevity, and low maintenance make concrete an excellent option for driveways and walkways. While asphalt and other materials may seem like more affordable options, they need a higher level of maintenance and regular cleaning to ensure proper appearance.
54. Around 4.4 Billion Tons Of Concrete Are Produced Annually Around The Globe. By 2050, The Figure Is Anticipated To Rise To More Than 5.5 Billion Tons.
Concrete is one of the most versatile building and construction materials worldwide. It is used on buildings, transit systems such as bridges and tunnels, and in many other aspects of construction.
55. The Cost Of Producing One Ton Of Recycled Concrete Aggregate Is 40% Less Compared To Producing Natural Concrete Aggregate.
Producing recycled concrete aggregate is cheaper than making natural concrete aggregate. It’s because waste concrete and stone already exist and do not have to be manufactured. The availability of waste materials also helps reduce transportation costs since it doesn’t have to be transported from far. In addition, recycling concrete reduces the amount of waste generated and the environmental impact.
56. Precast Concrete Is Used In Hotels, Nursing Homes, Low And Mid-Rise Apartment Buildings, And Motels.
Precast concrete has various uses in the construction industry. It can be cut and shaped in various designs, making it possible to build a simple structure or one that is highly decorative. The ability to replace damaged pieces when needed also contributes to the long lifespan of precast structures.
57. The Melting Point Of Concrete Is Around 1,550 Degrees Celsius.
Concrete has a high melting point. Although it’s technically possible to melt concrete, it needs a high temperature. The chemical composition of the cement and additives in the concrete determine how quickly the material will melt.
58. Vibration (External Or Internal) Is The Most Common Method Of Consolidating Concrete.
Vibration can be applied from outside or passing a machine through the source material. External vibration is the best option for consolidating concrete. You can rent an external vibrator from most construction equipment suppliers. Also, you can buy it. Unlike internal vibrators, they are not heavy, bulky, and hard to move.
59. Sugar Is A Well Known “Retardant” Of Precast Concrete (And Concrete In General) And Is Often Used To Adjust The Setting Times, Especially In Emergencies Or In Warm Weather.
60. The Global Precast Concrete Market Was Estimated To Be Worth Approximately $47.1 Billion In 2015. It Is Targeted To Hit $58.7 Billion By 2022.
61. In Our Modern World, The First Precast Concrete Paneled Buildings Were Pioneered In Liverpool, England, In 1905 By Then Liverpool City Engineer, John A. Brodie.
62. Thomas Edison Was A Pioneer In Many Fields, Including Prefabricated Housing.
In 1908 and 1909, Edison designed a series of complex cast-iron molds to serve as forms for his concrete houses. Edison’s molds, once assembled, would produce in a single operation, walls, floors, stairways, roof, bath and laundry tubs, as well as conduits for electric and water service. A single house would require a mold composed of 2300 pieces. In the end only a few houses were ever built as the initial investment and the complexity of each project was enormous.
63. The Production And Use Of Cement Are Responsible For Approximately 5% Of Global Greenhouse Gas Emissions, With Some Estimations Setting The Total To Be Closer To 8% Of Total Emissions.
This is greater than the climate impact of air travel, though one could argue that building homes and dams is less frivolous than intercontinental travel. CO2 emissions from the cement industry in Europe peaked in 2007 with 173.6 Mt CO2, approximately equivalent to the climate impact of the Netherlands.
64. Settling Of The Concrete And Water Damage Used To Create The Base Are Two Common Causes Of Foundation Cracks.
Water damage happens as the soil under the base expands after absorbing water, raising the strain on the concrete. The concrete and soil movement as a result of this will cause foundation cracks.
65. Shallow Foundations Are The Type Of Concrete Foundation That Most People Are Likely To Come Across In Their Projects At Home Or In Their Gardens.
66. Concrete Is The Best Material For Building Foundations, Simply Because It Is Versatile And Very Strong.
67. To Build The Foundation System, First A Wooden Frame Must Be Built In Place As The Mould For The Concrete.
The concrete can then be poured directly into the mould, to fill the required shape. The shape of the foundation system will depend on the type of ground below, the shape of the building and the structural support it requires. Once the poured concrete has healed, the frame or formwork can be removed.
68. Choosing The Right Concrete Mix For Your Foundations Is Vital.
Lesser strength concrete is usually cheaper, but it’s important to choose the right mix that offers the correct strength to support the building above it. The different types of concrete are made using different ratios of cement, sand and water, and different types of aggregates.
69. The Cost Of Building Your Foundations Will Depend On A Lot Of Things, Not Just The Quantity And Compressive Strength Of Your Concrete.
70. You Will Need To Carefully Plan How You’re Going To Pour Your Concrete, To Create The Most Supportive Foundation System.
71. Mono Pouring Is Very Commonplace And Offers A Range Of Benefits.
It simply means that the frame for the foundations is built with no joins or breaks. This allows the concrete to be poured into the entire structure in one go, creating a stronger base and no joints that need waterproofing. This may sound straightforward if you’re constructing a small garage, but if the build is complicated, it may mean planning the formwork carefully to avoid joins.
72. If The Site Has Easy Vehicle Access, You Could Pour The Concrete Straight From The Lorry Chute Into Your Framework.
However if the site is set back, you may need to wheelbarrow your concrete from the lorry to the site. This is less effective as it is difficult to achieve even distribution of the concrete, especially if using the mono-pour method. It’s also messier, slower and requires more manpower.
73. The Concrete Needs To Be Raked Into The Framework Evenly, So Being Able To Move The Chute Or Pump Back And Forth Over The Structure, While It Is Raked Is Vital So Be Sure You Have Enough Tools And People On Site To Help.
74. Allowing Your Concrete Sufficient Time To Cure (Set) Is Essential.
The curing process is actually continual, so your concrete will continue to strengthen for years to come. However, the compressive strength of your concrete is graded after 28 days. So, although you may be able to walk on your concrete after just a few days, if you need a specific strength of concrete for your build, it’s best to wait 28 days for it to reach that necessary strength.
75. If You Need Your Concrete To Cure Sooner, You Can Mix Accelerator Additives Into The Batch.
This is an additional cost, and may not be the best option for your construction project. If you’re unsure, speak to your concrete supplier and follow their recommendation. Don’t be tempted to start construction too soon, as your final build will not have the strength and support it needs.
76. Monolithic Concrete Slab Foundations Are Better Known As Slab-On-Grade Because They Rest Directly On The Ground And Typically Get Poured All At Once.
They’re usually cheaper to install and will last a long time. A con of a slab-on-grade foundation is that sewer and drainage pipes get installed before the foundation is poured, so should you have any plumbing problems, you’ll need to cut into the slab to fix it.
77. Stem Concrete Wall Slabs Have A Footer Poured First And Then Blocks Are Laid To Form A Wall Up To The Finished Slab Elevation.
It’s considered more stable but takes longer to construct.
78. Pier And Beam Foundations Are Typically Found With Older Homes And Elevate The Home, Which Makes It Less Prone To Flooding.
But since it’s elevated, pests and critters can gain entry to the crawl space. They can cause damage to the beams over time. A pier and beam foundation provides less support for floors than a concrete slab and they can suffer from water damage. They are also not as energy efficient as other foundations because warm and cold air can seep into the home.
79. Cinder Block Foundations Aren’t As Popular As Poured Concrete Block Walls. Cinder Block Foundations Do Have Advantages, Like Being Able To Hold More Weight On Top Of The Foundation.
It does require more money in labor costs. On the negative side, they can be more susceptible to bowing and buckling.
80. Slab-On-Grade Concrete Foundations Will Typically Last 80 To 100 Years.
Wood used in other foundation forms will need to be termite-proofed every 12 years and waterproofing should last 10 years. Concrete needs to be waterproofed and sealed when it’s installed to make it last long.
81. Footing Depths Vary On Frost Lines And Soil Strength But The Minimum Depth Is 5 Feet For A Small Residential Building.
Depths are typically 1 ½ times the width of a footing. Footings should extend at least 12 inches below the frost line.
82. Some Homeowners Might Want To Pour Concrete To Fill A Crawl Space For Energy Savings But Some Experts Think Waterproofing And Sealing A Crawl Space Is The More Effective Method.
Filling a crawl space with concrete will typically cost $5 to $10 per square foot, including finishing work.
83. An Average Home Is About 2,000 Square Feet And A Foundation Can Cost From $13,000 (Including Materials, Labor And Permitting) To More Than $40,000 If It’s A Basement Foundation.
For a project on the low end, budget around $15,000 in case of cost overruns and around $45,000 for a project on the higher end.
84. The Cost To Fix A Foundation Depends On The Type Of Repair Needed And Can Range Between $2,000 And $7,000.
A repair like fixing a concrete slab leak can cost anywhere between $2,300 and $4,500.
85. The Cost To Fix A Foundation Depends On The Type Of Repair Needed And Can Range Between $2,000 And $7,000.
A repair like fixing a concrete slab leak can cost anywhere between $2,300 and $4,500.
86. A Concrete Slab Foundation Is A Large, Heavy Lair, Or Slab Of Concrete That Is Ordinarily 4-6 Inches Wide In The Innermost And Cascaded Directly On The Ground All At One Time.
However, the concrete slab is commonly located on a slab of sand to develop drainage quality and act as a buffer.
87. A Concrete Slab Does Not Have A Channel Beneath A Building.
This type of foundation differs from house foundations, quality of land condition, and basement requirements. The concrete slab foundation is usually forged on the property that has been classified, as it should be. The soil must be qualified because if it’s not, the foundation could sink or settle due to poor soil compilation.
88. T-Shaped Concrete Slab Foundation Is The Traditional And Most Common Type Of Foundation Used In Building Construction And Architectural Work.
It can help to support big and higher buildings, especially in areas where the ground is obnoxious to frigid. When the ground is frozen, a greater amount of load is utilized on the commercial building foundation. However, a T-shaped concrete foundation can prevent damage from frozen grounds.
89. There Are 3 Basic Components That Make It Up Concrete: Aggregate (Sand, Gravel), Cement, And Water.
90. The Aggregate Gives The Concrete Mass.
It is the component that gives strength and durability to the mixture. The quantity and characteristics of the aggregates in the mixture have a direct impact on the handling of the concrete. Natural or artificial, there are a variety of aggregates used to make concrete such as sand, sand and gravel.
91. Cement Is A Bonding Agent For Concrete Composed Mainly Of Limestone And Clay.
It is a very fine white powder. With the contact of water this component forms a paste that creates a hydraulic link. This allows the connection between the aggregates by coating everything. The cement will eventually harden and form a solid mass.
92. Water Is The Trigger, That Is, It Activates Cement.
A chemical bond will then be created between the cement and the aggregate to form fresh concrete. The reaction time extends over a rather indefinite period, but the application period is measured in minutes or hours. To make an adequate reaction, the water must be drinkable and free of impurities.
93. Some Concretes Contain Adjuvants To Modify A Feature Or For Better Performance.
For example, they can speed up the intake of concrete, make it more manageable, give a color to concrete, etc. These products represent a small percentage of the mixture.
94. Portland Cement Is The Most Common Type Of Cement In General Usage.
It is a basic ingredient of concrete, mortar, and many plasters.[39] British masonry worker Joseph Aspdin patented Portland cement in 1824. It was named because of the similarity of its color to Portland limestone, quarried from the English Isle of Portland and used extensively in London architecture.
95. Concrete Production Is The Process Of Mixing Together The Various Ingredients—Water, Aggregate, Cement, And Any Additives—To Produce Concrete.
Concrete production is time-sensitive. Once the ingredients are mixed, workers must put the concrete in place before it hardens. In modern usage, most concrete production takes place in a large type of industrial facility called a concrete plant, or often a batch plant.
96. Modern Concrete Is Usually Prepared As A Viscous Fluid, So That It May Be Poured Into Forms, Which Are Containers Erected In The Field To Give The Concrete Its Desired Shape.
Concrete formwork can be prepared in several ways, such as slip forming and steel plate construction. Alternatively, concrete can be mixed into dryer, non-fluid forms and used in factory settings to manufacture precast concrete products.
97. Asphalt Concrete Is A Composite Material Commonly Used To Surface Roads, Parking Lots, Airports, As Well As The Core Of Embankment Dams.
Asphalt mixtures have been used in pavement construction since the beginning of the twentieth century. It consists of mineral aggregate bound together with asphalt, laid in layers, and compacted. The process was refined and enhanced by Belgian inventor and U.S. immigrant Edward De Smedt.
98. Bacteria Such As Bacillus Pasteurii, Bacillus Pseudofirmus, Bacillus Cohnii, Sporosarcina Pasteuri, And Arthrobacter Crystallopoietes Increase The Compression Strength Of Concrete Through Their Biomass.
However some forms of bacteria can also be concrete-destroying. Bacillus sp. CT-5. can reduce corrosion of reinforcement in reinforced concrete by up to four times. Sporosarcina pasteurii reduces water and chloride permeability. B. pasteurii increases resistance to acid. Bacillus pasteurii and B. sphaericuscan induce calcium carbonate precipitation in the surface of cracks, adding compression strength.
99. Polymer Concretes Are Mixtures Of Aggregate And Any Of Various Polymers And May Be Reinforced.
The cement is costlier than lime-based cements, but polymer concrete nevertheless have advantages; they have significant tensile strength even without reinforcement, and they are largely impervious to water. Polymer concrete is frequently used for the repair and construction of other applications, such as drains.
100. Volcanic Concrete Substitutes Volcanic Rock For The Limestone That Is Burned To Form A Clinker.
It consumes a similar amount of energy, but does not directly emit carbon as a byproduct. Volcanic rock/ash are used as supplementary cementitious materials in concrete to improve the resistance to sulfate, chloride and alkali silica reaction due to pore refinement. Also, they are generally cost effective in comparison to other aggregates, good for semi and lightweight concrete, and good for thermal and acoustic insulation.
101. Waste Light Is a Form Of Polymer Modified Concrete.
The specific polymer admixture allows the replacement of all the traditional aggregates (gravel, sand, stone) by any mixture of solid waste materials in the grain size of 3–10 mm to form a low-compressive-strength (3–20 N/mm2) product for road and building construction.
Construct Connect, Kidadl, Ozinga, AAA Concreting, EKA Concrete, Big Rentz, Moreton Bay Recycling, Reinbrecht Homes, CRCO, Maxi, Honestone, Foundation Pro, Mister Concrete, DBS Industries LTD, House Grail, Metromont, Bellona, Ram Jack, Concrete Flooring Solutions, All Mix Concrete, Forbes, Civil Today, VOPAA, & Wikipedia.
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