Orinda, California Schools Covid Safety Response

The district of Orinda Union School is committed to the health and safety of students, employees, and families. They closely track data and information relating to the novel coronavirus. Coronavirus is a type of virus that causes diseases that range in severity from the common cold to more severe respiratory diseases. The novel coronavirus (COVID-19) is a new coronavirus strain that has not been identified in humans before.

The California Department of Education, the Contra Costa County Office of Education (CCCOE), and Contra Costa Health Services receive regular updates on COVID-19 from the Orinda Union School District. To avoid the dissemination of all infectious diseases, schools should take common-sense precautions. In order to avoid COVID-19 and the spread of other common diseases such as influenza and gastroenteritis, these precautions can help:

  • Sick people should stay at home from work or school until they are better (fever-free for at least 24 hours).
  • For at least 20 seconds, wash your hands regularly with soap and water.
  • When soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer.
  • People who are diseased should always use a tissue or the crook of their elbow to cover their coughs and sneezes; wash your hands after using a tissue to clean your nose or mouth.
  • Stop rubbing your unwashed hands with your eyes, nose, or mouth.

Healthy Hygiene Practices and Cleaning

Good hygiene procedures at each school location will be promoted during the day. Students will be instructed and workers will be reminded to wash their hands regularly and vigorously for at least 20 seconds during the day with either soap and water, or with hand sanitizer (with at least 60% alcohol) if soap and water are not available. Before entering and leaving a classroom, students and staff are expected to wash their hands. To prevent contact with one’s eyes, nose, or mouth, and to cover coughs and sneezes, students will also be advised and staff reminded. In order to remind students and staff of the significance of hand hygiene, age-appropriate signage will be installed throughout the school.

 Where & How

  • Designated Hand Washing Stations (HWS)
  • Classrooms
  • Restrooms
  • Scrub with soap and water for at least 20 seconds or use hand sanitizer if soap and     water are not accessible


  • Upon arrival
  • Upon entering/exiting any school facility
  • Before and after recess
  • Before and after restroom use
  • Upon return to classroom after using the restroom
  • At dismissal
  • Adults need to wash hands when they work with a new cohort

In Classrooms

  • Put paper towels on student desks to avoid lines
  • Keep an extra roll of paper towels in classroom
  • Portable hand sanitizer/soap bottles for teacher use

Face Coverings, Essential Protective Gear, Ventilation

Both students, employees, and other approved individuals on campus are required to wear face coverings that cover the mouth and nose, according to current state and county health guidelines. It is proposed that cloth masks should have two or more layers of breathable fabric per CDC guidelines, and should not have exhalation valves or vents. Disposable 3-ply surgical masks are more efficient than cloth face coverings, as recommended by the CDPH guidelines for the use of face coverings, and should be worn by teachers and staff. In the event that any student or staff member comes to campus without a mask, each office will keep a supply of face covers on hand. No one will be permitted to come onto campus without a proper face covering. Teachers and staff will consistently remind students about proper mask etiquette and will consistently enforce mask wearing compliance.

Orinda Union School District Distance Learning

  • OUSD Clever Portal – The OUSD Clever Portal is your home base for all OUSD apps and tools. Login with your OUSD Google account or a Clever QR badge.
  • Seesaw – Seesaw is the platform used by teachers grades TK-2.
  • OIS School Loop – OIS School Loop is the platform used by students 6-8. Check here for assignments and updates from teachers. 
  • Google Classroom – Google Classroom is the platform used by teachers grades 3-8.
  • Specialist/Library/STEAM Flipgrid page – The Specialist/Library/STEAM Flipgrid page is where students can access art, music, PE, library, and STEAM lessons. 
  • Google Drive – Google Drive is where OUSD students can find all of their Docs, Slides, Sheets, and other files.

Orinda, California is blessed with some of the top schools in Northern California:

  • Miramonte High School
  • Orinda Intermediate School
  • Del Rey Elementary School
  • Glorietta Elementary School
  • Sleepy Hollow Elementary School 
  • Wagner Ranch Elementary School

All of these schools are located just a short distance from our location in downtown Walnut Creek, Spaulding Concrete on Locust Street!

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